Fosc is a nice male Labrador Retriever, is 5 years old, and does three that suffers a grave problem of Urinary Incontinence. He is leaking urine at all hours. There where futile lets droplets of urine and he stays humid for the urine that is leaking him. It is a very uncomfortable situation so much for his sake how for his owners. After doing a series of analytic, echographies and resonance of the Urinary System, we have diagnosed him an Intramural Ectòpic Ureter of the left side. The ureter, does not bring the urine to the urinary bladder, overflows the urinary bladder and spills it directly into the prostatic urethra, losing control of the urinary bladder sphincter.
To solve this problem Fosc has undergone a complex operation at what have done a new opening of the lefthand ureter at the urinary bladder and on the other hand have shut the defective conduct that exceeds the sphincter of the bladder.
After 4 weeks of the operation, we can say that the intervention has been a success and Fosc no longer leaks the urine. A very strong hog for Fosc, who has been very brave and for his family.